
TRANSIT trip to the east.

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Ha-hatzer Ha-asiyatit

The Asian courtyard is located as a hidden gem in Ness Ziona with a unique design and brings you meticulous cuisine straight from the East, a sushi chef and a varied and rich menu that is suitable for everyone. Includes a pregnancy strip and a gluten-free strip regularly. From time to time in the wonderful courtyard different concept evenings are held in a magical atmosphere. The restaurant is accessible for private events, launches and conferences by prior arrangement.

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Ototo Sushi

You are on a taste journey in the Far East - come and enjoy meticulous sushi, amazing wok dishes and perfect cocktails, where each dish is a gateway to the flavors of Thailand, Vietnam and Japan. Ototo offers a perfect atmosphere for an intimate meal or a social gathering. Our restaurant staff is waiting for you and guarantees an unforgettable experience

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River Rehovot

The River branch in the Rehovot Science Park provides all the residents of the area with quality and unique noodles and sushi dishes. Dishes like Fire and Flame, Corruption, Kingdom Emperors Combination and more… Now on hand more than ever

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