Ragazzi Hod Hasharon

Ragazzi Hod Hasharon

24 Ramatayim Road, Hod HaSharon

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About Us

Chow Regazzi! Yes, that's us. The guys who went on a journey of several months in Naples in search of the perfect pizza. It took hundreds of tastings and dozens of visits to the greatest experts until we felt ready and returned to Israel with the perfect recipe. Dough that rises 72 hours in advance and then goes into a hot Italian oven at 450 degrees heat with shreds of real mozzarella and a secret tomato sauce that is passed down from generation to generation in the land of the boot. Since that trip to Naples in 2020, we managed to establish Regatzi Petah Tikva - a unique Neapolitan pizza bar that everyone knows and now we decided to take it to the next level and provide a new experience... Welcome to our new home in the most magical location of Hod Hasharon! Our menu is built from a real Italian hierarchy... starting with the small dishes that are fun to order, Fresh handmade pastas to the crazy pizzas that will blow your %&^ And what do you drink? An Italian spritz or Chianti Classico that combines perfectly with the dough! In short, let's eat... because we can dig about it for hours.