

Sokolov St 46, Hod Hasharon, Israel

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The story of the place - Benjamin Try to define Israeli cuisine in one word. hard huh? It's okay, not just for you. Maybe it's because Israeli cuisine today is influenced by so many flavors and aromas. Just like a boy in his twenties, who packs a big bag and goes on a trip after the army to experience for the first time the tastes and smells that the world has to offer. But somehow, the same child always returns home at the end of the big trip, and is surprised by how much the original Israeli food tastes much better than anything he experienced somewhere on the highest mountain in the world, Or at the prestigious chef's restaurant that he was told he "must" try. Because in the end, we all return home and realize that there is nothing like Israeli cuisine. There is nothing like the feeling and emotion that food can bring out of you.